Get Out Of Your Skull
The Get out of your skull art project, is a corona proof, non-subsidized, artists for artists initiative with the participation of an international group of 64 artists from 20 countries, initiated and curated by Ron Weijers for the 10dence platform.
uit 2021 tot 2021
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stuur een bericht naar de kunstenaar

2021When we die what will be left of us…! Eventually bones and often our skull. Scientists can use DNA to see how old you have become and approximately when you have lived. But it doesn't tell you who you were as a person. Where is the story about our lives? The story unfolds in your hands. Your fingerprints are unique, but the lines on your hands change with everything you experience in your life. They are lines that no one will ever be able to remember. This story also disappears at the end of our lives. All we need is a nice imprint of our hands to record our life story for people to read. When we die, we become 21 grams lighter. Our soul? Is our story stored in those 21 grams, this energy that goes back to…!!! do we take this with us to the next life? The structure should match the feeling it should evoke. The structure of a painting is always functional and never created randomly. The materials paper, ash, sand, rust powders, natural pigments, etc. are often made by myself, collected or taken from travels. Residual materials such as scrap iron, sawdust, wood chips, cotton are also used. Most of the work is produced on 3D canvases. The pigments and/or acrylic paint are applied in many (thin) layers, swept, scratched, polished, carved. Abstract symbolic forms are regularly used.





